Jumelage Montreuil-Juigné Kamen


Musician exchanges

The twinning between the MJ Harmonie wind and percussion orchestra and the Kamerorchester of the Kamen music school (string orchestra) is the oldest and most regular twinning (except during the two years of COVID). The Germans come to MJ in even years and the musicians from Montreuil Juigné come to Kamen in odd years. Our concerts follow a well established ritual. The Germans play a few pieces from their repertoire among themselves; the same goes for MJ Harmonie, then the two groups come together, mixing strings, winds and percussion, to play a few pieces chosen together and rehearsed before the show.


MJ Harmonie would like to offer a strong time in May 2022, around a Festival of music, song and dance, to all the twin towns of Kamen… if the sanitary conditions allow it of course.

When ?

Ascension Day: from Thursday 26 to Sunday 29 May 2022. The show part could be done on 3 times, depending on the composition of the formations which will participate: – Salle Jacques Brel on Friday 27 May in the evening for some of the musical, choral, folk and classical dance groups – In the open air on the Place de la Mairie or at the Théâtre de Verdure or Place de la République or at the Stade on Saturday 28 May in the afternoon for the groups that need a large area to move around on the ground – Salle Jacques Brel on Saturday 28 May in the evening for other musical, choral, folk or classical dance groups 

Who ?

With musical groups in the broadest sense of the word, from Kamen’s twin towns: Unkel: a town on the Rhine between Bonn and Koblenz (a “brass band” type formation, Unkel Karneval, has already come to Montreuil-Juigné in the past, with majorettes); Beeskow in the former GDR; Sulecin in Poland; Ängelholm in Sweden; Eilat in Israel and Bandirma in Turkey.
Any musical group is welcome! No restrictions on style.
  • String orchestra of the Kamener Musikschule (the oldest twinning association between Montreuil-Juigné and Kamen) – Alexander SCHRŒDER
  • Musical formations of all styles: orchestras, brass bands, military or similar formations, rock groups, modern music
  • Choral or lyrical singing, youth groups
  • Folk, classical or modern dance
  • Majorettes


How does it work?

Indoors over 2 evenings (Friday and Saturday) to allow the participating groups to have a significant amount of time to perform. And/or Outdoors on Saturday afternoon if there are musical groups playing outdoors and needing to parade and do geometric figures to enhance their art. There will be no competition between shows: no simultaneous performances in one place at the same time as another performance in another place. The City of Montreuil-Juigné, the Twinning Committee, and MJ Harmonie commit themselves to communicate widely on this project (press, social networks, posters, flyers….) with the other municipalities of the Angevine Agglomeration, so as to attract a large public and cheerfully exceeding the borders of our city. Europe is a fantastic tool for peace between peoples and our project is a great opportunity to heal the wounds left by the Coronavirus. Let us be happy and alive thanks to the friendship between the peoples of Europe and elsewhere!